Disposable Breathing CircuitDisposable Breathing Circuit
Disposable Breathing CircuitDisposable Breathing Circuit

Disposable Breathing Circuit

Features : Good elasticity, bending resistance, not easy to bend and break, standard interface, convenient for clinical use.

Product features

    • Application scope: Used together with anesthesia machine, ventilator and humidifier to create a breathing connection channel for patients. Applicable for American Bird SPIP Bi-level Ventilator, German Martin Non-invasive High Frequency Ventilator, Swiss Fabian Bi-level Non-invasive Ventilator, British SLE5000 High Frequency/Constant Frequency Ventilator, British SLE1000 Non-invasive Ventilator, German Siemens Ventilator

performance indexes

Performance Index
Airflow resistance The pressure increment under rated flow rate (the rated flow rate of breathing circuit for infants is 15L/min, and that of the breathing circuit for children is 30 L/min) should not exceed 0.2 kPa.
Bending channel airflow resistance The pressure under the rated flow rate of breathing circuit suspended from the metal column shall not exceed 150% of the measured value of the straightening circuit.

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